Kreon Skyline 3D Scanner



The Skyline 3D laser scanner is a high performance one, designed for all applications. Skyline is the only Kreon scanners range fully integrated to Ace 7 axis measuring arm. It is possible to digitize any part in record time by the laser line width and the speed of the Skyline 3D scanner. The smallest details of the most complex parts can be detect thanks to its high resolution. The Skyline 3D scanner is ergonomic, perfect for scanning effortlessly due to its perfect integration with the Ace measuring arm.





Skyline range is made up of three scanners:


Skyline Eyes

It is the most accurate one. Catches the eye on the most challenging parts and applications. 



Skyline Wide 

It is the fastest one. It is wide-awake to scan large surfaces at high speed. 




Skyline Open

It is the most affordable. It is open to any kind of project and application.





Speed: 600,000 pts/sec*

  • Decreased number of scan passes on the part given to a 200 mm laser line*
  • Faster movement of the 3D scanner assured by the increased frequency
  • Acquisition speed of 600,000 points/sec, allowing to quickly get the dense point cloud*













Accuracy: 9 μm*

  • 2,000 points per laser line for a high resolution level*
  • Optimal accuracy, even on shiny reflective surfaces, due to blue laser fineness
  • Temperature compensation of the 3D scanner to avoid pre-heating and to maintain a constant accuracy



Laser line width: 200mm*

  • Scan longer owing to the 3D scanner lightness (weight less than 400 g)
  • Reach and scan the hard-to-access zones of each part, thanks to compactness
  • Visualize precisely the ideal scanning distance with the LED indicator
  • Remove the scanner rapidly and without any tool to accelerate the probe mounting






*maximum values depending on the Skyline scanner model




Scanner specifications (Eyes)

Max scanning speed 600.000 pts/sec
Accuracy 9 µm
Max laser line width 100 mm
Max frequency 300 Hz
Laser line color Blue
Line resolution 25 µm
Stand-off distance 90 mm
Field of view 80 mm
Led indicators Yes
Temperature compensation Yes

Scanner specifications (Wide)

Max scanning speed 600.000 pts/sec
Accuracy 15 µm
Max laser line width 200 mm
Max frequency 300 Hz
Laser line color Blue
Line resolution 50 µm
Stand-off distance 85 mm
Field of view 110 mm
Led indicators Yes
Temperature compensation Yes

Scanner specifications (Open)

Max scanning speed 200.000 pts/sec
Accuracy 15 µm
Max laser line width 100 mm
Max frequency 200 Hz
Laser line color Blue
Line resolution 50 µm
Stand-off distance 85 mm
Field of view 110 mm
Led indicators No
Temperature compensation No
